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Monday, December 24, 2012

Configure Managed Metadata Service Application on SharePoint Server 2013

In this post I will tell you how to configure Managed Metadata Service Application on SharePoint Farm.

First of all we should know what is metadata service?

The Managed Metadata’s  primary purpose is to provide you with a central location to store metadata (commonly defined as data about data) that can be utilised throughout any site within your SharePoint farm.

You can read here more in detail about Managed Metadata Service Application.

Here we start configuration of metadata server.

1) Open Central Administration, Go to Application Management >> Manage Service Application >> Click on New >> Select Managed Metadata Service.


You can give name to service whatever you want, I’ve given “Managed Metadata Service” for more clarity.

and Database name as Managed_Metadata.


Give AppPool name “SharePoint – Managed Metadata Service”

I’ve used svcMetadata service account for Application Pool Identity.


Click on OK.

Once the service is created you can see it listed on Managed Service Application Page.


Now we need to start Metadata Service from SharePoint Services on Server page.

for that go to Central Panel >> Under System Settings >> Manage Services on the server.

Start “Managed Metadata Web Service”


Go back to Manage Application Service and Open Metadata Service Application


This will launch the below screen which is referred to as the Term Management Tool.



Also read :


  1. thank you, but iisreset was needed before launching the Term Management Tool else it would get an error stating the "Managed Metadata Web Service" has not been started.

  2. If iisreset does not work. Then close and re-open browser. The error stating the "Managed Metadata Web Service" has not been started should be gone.

  3. botton new in managed metadata service, disable to click,why ?

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  6. This is one technology that I would love to be able to use for myself. It’s definitely a cut above the rest and I can’t wait until my provider has it. Your insight was what I needed. Thanks

  7. This is one technology that I would love to be able to use for myself. It’s definitely a cut above the rest and I can’t wait until my provider has it. Your insight was what I needed. Thanks

  8. This is one technology that I would love to be able to use for myself. It’s definitely a cut above the rest and I can’t wait until my provider has it. Your insight was what I needed. Thanks

  9. This is one technology that I would love to be able to use for myself. It’s definitely a cut above the rest and I can’t wait until my provider has it. Your insight was what I needed. Thanks

  10. This is one technology that I would love to be able to use for myself. It’s definitely a cut above the rest and I can’t wait until my provider has it. Your insight was what I needed. Thanks

  11. I am unable to create new service applications beacue the NEW button is disabled at my end.

    I have used svcSPFarm login credentials.

  12. Hey its a very nice topic as well and informative stuff sharepoint training

  13. I had to add Permission on the Service Application to allow the pool user "Read Access to Term Store"
